Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cross it Off!

I am a list maker. I can't help it. To do, grocery, tasks for work, writing assignments, ideas, I simply make lists.

Sometimes, yes, I can't find the list. Fortunately the act of writing it out does help me imprint the list in my memory. Usually. Hate it when I am in the grocery store, without my list, think I did end up with everything I meant to, until I pull the car in the garage and remember I need milk. Ugh.

I also procrastinate. Looking at the list I sometimes simply want to get through the items for the simple joy of crossing them off. Nothing is more gratifying than dragging a pen or pencil through an item on a list and simply sighing, "Ah, done." The really tough ones may even be cause for a bit of pressure and going back and forth over the item multiple times - sort of an underline for crossing it off.

Last night, I completed a complicated writing assignment that I had been letting slide for a bit too long. I have 5 lines through it on my to-do list. It looks fabulous that way!

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