Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Always Learning

Traditional, educational learning, problem solving, job training, these all have their place, but I also love learning about a hobby, reading something new, meeting and interacting with new people... and I am realizing if the brain and soul don't have these new challenges it becomes like any other muscles losing strength and value from lack of use.

In addition, I've learned that if I don't pay attention, my mind wanders off into places it does not belong and it takes quite a bit of work to get it back on track. In fact, I have often compared it to being like picking an emotional or intellectual scab. And so, in the spirit of taking on something new, I am opening my mind to have a look and see what else looks interesting to me. Maybe I should look a little closer at caring for my newly received Orchid (it scares me) or a language or simply how to breath in and out without constantly worrying about something or other (that sounds really fabulous). Good luck to you in your new ventures and hope you wish me the same.

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