Sunday, March 25, 2012

Substance in Vogue

Maybe for the first time, I read Vogue from cover to cover. No, really, not just the glossy page after page of ads, but really read the stories about Jennifer Lopez and one in particular about transformation, "Can you Conquer Your Biggest Fears," written by Plum Sykes. This piece was not about the inability to find just the right belt or shoes, it had depth and substance. We all have fears and some cause anxiety. It may be fairly popular or well recognized that generally, people do not like speaking in public which may be considered a fear and well, does that fear then grow into anxiety - enough to cause the body physical distress? It could. What a weighty subject for such a typically thought of light and fashion focused entertainment magazine...

In turn, the mind reels and I think of my own fears and anxiety as well as those extreme conditions and phobias some may suffer. How does this happen? How does the brain spin out of control and so a person facing what some may consider an insignificant event like leaving the house or seeing a spider that another is paralyzed with fear and distress? What can be done?

Sykes describes a weekend workshop held by Charles Linden. A quick Google search reveals two websites:


For those seeking genuine help, this man and his claims surely seem genius and when one is racked with nervous anxiety but looking for help, this program and information appears to be a cure all. I have no opinion at this time, as I am unfamiliar with his actual "techniques" or teachings, but the hype makes it all seem miraculous and wonderful.

I used to lie awake at night paralyzed with the fear of my own death. I could not imagine simply not being here any more. It wasn't just a fear of dying a young mother and leaving children behind, it wasn't just about suffering or pain, it was the whole idea. Finite. Mortality. Does the thought still cross my mind, yes, but not in the intensity or with the regularity it once did and the curious part, how did it stop and when? I don't know.

I know of an acquaintance who simply cannot be left alone. Well, couldn't, perhaps they feel differently about it now, but suffered for years at the thought of not being in constant contact with another human being. Unfortunately, this person had suffered a horrible loss and was indeed alone and so the brain may have reacted by rationalizing, "If not ever left alone, you will not suffer pain again."

While the topic may seem a bit heavy for a fabulous blog, it is perfectly acceptable to acknowledge that all aspects of life are far from perfect and quite mysterious indeed. The trick it seems is to wade through it all, decide what's important and deserves attention and focus while shedding the painful parts as nothing more than experience and lessons. A bit of suffering may be what we needed at the time to appreciate the fabulous bits or be more sympathetic to those suffering what seems to us like irrational fear and anxiety. It can happen to us all.

Sometimes we simply have to work a little bit harder at finding the fabulous moments. These are the times when they are that much brighter with a touch more sparkle and significance. I know I will see something fabulous today, I expect it and welcome it.

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