Monday, March 12, 2012

Magazine Junkie

Hello, I have an addiction and it is magazines. I keep a few months back issues with the excuse that they are research, have something in it I need or I haven't read them yet. I love the slippery pages, the split second of annoyance when the postcard for a subscription falls out, the thicker scented pages, reading the masthead and covering my lap with the next issue I hope to read in line.

I have a pile in my closet, in the storage area of the ottoman in the family room and a short stack on the floor in the living room. I am not giving it up. I am not apologizing. Every few months, they are purged and though it is sometimes hard to let go, they are taken away with the recycling next to stacks of Wednesday and Sunday New York Times - ah, but that is another story.

I have a wide range of interests from the weekly gossip and celebrity nonsense to parenting, mothering, cooking, and local or specialized magazines, I love them all. I rescue back issues from work; including Men's Health and Gentleman's Quarterly (GQ). In my dreams, I would write for them all - a different topic every month and somewhere, someone would have my thoughts and words towering one on top of the next. Almost like hoarding. Almost. But, more fabulous.

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